I dyed up mini skeins of worsted yarn to test out each dye I purchased and I got a wonderful gradient :-) So I figured that this would be the perfect project. Full of color for a plain basket weave scarf!
I had a bit of a problem deciding on a color for the warp. I don't have many skeins of plain natural colored yarn. My stash is full of bright jewel tones :-) So while tossing the stash, I was contemplating color combos but nothing was 'right'. Then I opened another rubbermaid container and right on top was a skein of Tanis Fiber Arts 75/25 merino silk fingering yarn in Sand. It was perfect :-)
I got right to warping. I flipped over my Kromski Harp, put the pegs in and started working in my warp. There was a minor disaster just before the end. One of the pegs loosened up and bit and went in an angle. Which in turn, allowed about 10 or so rounds to flip off and go all willy nilly into a giant knot.
Surprisingly, I wasn't discouraged. Don't get me wrong I swore damn good but I didn't freak. I spent a few minutes detangling and rewinding the ball, then kept on going on my warp.
All went well after that. I tied off everything. Tied off the cross in a different yarn and chained up my warp. Then I was ready to put the warp on my rigid heddle loom. That's when I realized that I was missing 1 of 4 bolts for my stand.
So the search started. I've come to the conclusion that it's disappeared into the black hole of missing objects of the world. Right now it's chilling with all the missing stitch markers, dpn's and odd socks. I know I don't NEED to have this bolt to warp my loom but it's really more of a point of frusteration with me. I'm a Type A person that likes to have everything taken care of before I start something. Otherwise it will just bug the crap out of me the whole time.
Plus, my daughter was due to get up from her nap. There is no way I'm going to start warping when my toddler is running amuck the house. That's a giant disaster waiting to happen ;-)
So hopefully I'll be able to get started on it tonight or tomorrow.
Happy Knitting :-)