January 14, 2014

Happy Monday to Me!!

Yesterday was quite an exciting day for me. I got a giant box of yarn in the mail. I was able to hit up the Tanis Fiber Arts Etsy Update on Boxing Day. Although, I missed out on my favorite colorway Crushed Berries in Green Label. I was hoping to make myself a Reverb in this colorway but I wasn't fast enough :-( Oh well that's how things go in an update. I was able to score some yarn that my friend had her eye on. She wasn't unable to attend the update.

She sent me a list of colorways she liked and what quantities she needed. Which was awesome because it was super hard to find 8 skeins of Green Label in any colorway. I was able to scoop 8 skeins of Ravine after getting cartjacked with Stained Glass and Lotus but everything worked out in the end. I was also able to get her a skein of both Tartan and Lotus in Cosmic Blue Label. I'm sure she'll love the yarn. I do. The colors are way more beautiful in person!!

After the update I decided to peruse the Tanis Fiber Arts website to see what I wanted to spend my Christmas present on. Which was a TFA giftcard!! (Yes my parents are awesome!!) I decided to buy a couple sweater quantities for myself.

5 skeins of Midnight, 2 skeins of Natural and 1 skein of Spearmint

6 skeins of Truffle

Then I went back to the TFA Etsy Store and there was 2 skeins of Fjord left over in Red label. So I totally scored those for myself. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to make these 2 skeins into but I have plenty of time to think of something. I have ALOT of knitting to do in the next couple of months. Yarn is ordered and I'm just waiting to receive it in the mail. I have to finish this obligatory knitting first before I can start my selfish knitting. It will give me some good incentive to knit up these projects fast. 

Happy Knitting :-)

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