March 06, 2014

Ravellenic's Round-Up...

Usually I don't participate in the Ravellenic's but this year I decided to select a couple smaller projects that I knew I would be able to finish. I know these projects aren't inspiring or anything but with a pile of obligatory knitting and a crazy active baby on the move it's really all I could fit in.

First up, was a toque for myself :-) I had originally cast it on before we went to Mexico. I finished the ribbing then it lay stagnant. I decided that it was a good entry for the WIP Dancing. I was surprised that it didn't take me long to knit up. The rest of the toque only took a day of on and off knitting to complete. It's currently my favourite toque to wear when I'm out and about.

Next up, a project that I was SUPPOSE to cast on in November. A friend asked me to knit her a infinity scarf to match her Reverb that I gifted her previously. I then asked if she wanted matching mittens and a toque. So of course she wanted them. The yarn's been in my spareroom since then. Everytime I went into the spare room I felt the yarn giving me the evil eye. So it was next to add to the Ravellenic's. 

I was again surprised that it took me a total of 4 days to knit up. I'm not going to go into the details since my drunken knitting experience is in my previous post ;-)

The last project came close but I didn't complete it before the closing ceremonies. Although it was a valiant effort on my part. 

Knitting Thrummed mitts was surprisingly fun. I wasn't sure it was going to be since I usually get inpatient with anything tedious. Not once was I frustrated. If anything I kept putting my hand in the mitten to feel how soft they are :-) I'm thinking that I might make some more for Christmas gifts. It will be a consideration once I finish my large obligatory knitting projects.

Happy Knitting :-)

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