January 04, 2015

Knitting for New Future Family...

Since Christmas I've been busy doing a lot of non knitterly things. My husband had some time off so we did some family outings and had some down time to just enjoy our toddler playing with her new toys :-) She was beyond spoiled by everyone this Christmas. I had a bit of time to do some knitting but it wasn't a priority. I had a chance to finish up this pair of socks.

Yarn: The Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga! in Black Witch Moth
I wasn't sure these socks would fit. My sister told me what size of shoes her fiancĂ© wore and it was around the same size as my husband so I knit the first sock as if it was for my hubby. Then I figured if it fit, I would knit the second one. So on Christmas Day he tried it on and it fit. So I casted on the second sock and I worked on it here and there throughout the holidays and into the New Year. 

He was quite excited to get the second sock today :-) He'll be heading up north to work for a bit and I'm sure he'll be using them. 

I'm a fairly tight knitter so I made a couple minor mods to the pattern. I like the cables mirroring each other from each side of the sock, so I kept the ribbing portion for the front and back of the sock. Then the  cables were on the sides. I also added 8 more stitches to the largest size for the foot and an extra 16 for the leg. My pattern notes can be found HERE on Ravelry.

Time will tell if he likes hand knitted socks. I'm sure my sister will tell me if he's wearing them. Then maybe he'll get another pair for Christmas next year :-)

Happy Knitting :-)

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