I was super busy from the moment that the doors opened and it would come in waves. I just barely had time to get my part of the booth set up before the doors opened and then my stock started to go pretty steadily!
I didn't even get a chance to take a photo of the booth I was sharing with Corina from KnittyPie! Thank god she had a moment to take a photo in one of the lulls!
I think I did pretty good considering that I had to bring my 4m old to the Shindig. I'm still breast feeding and it would have been just easier for my husband, and I, if I took her with me. My husband would have his hands full with our 3y old toddler 😂
My baby did fabulous and quite a few vendors and customers mentioned how good and quiet she was! She was very content, which made this fibre show really easy for me.
I was able to leave the booth quickly to get a couple items I've been coveting!
One I didn't need to go far to get 😉 I saw Corina from KnittyPie's horse project bag and I knew it had to come home with me 😍 She is also a fabulous friend, as she brought me a beautiful hand dyed project bag as well! She included a pair of sewn shoes for my baby and a chocolate bar! How well she knows me, if even for a short time 😂
I've noticed that she's created some custom listings just recently in her Etsy Shop! So you can choose your fabric for your project bags! So if you want to check out her bags, check out her Etsy Shop 😄
The next stop was Chasing Fire Ceramics for a Sheep Mug! She had posted pics on Instagram and I immediately contacted her for a mug! She was a sweetheart and held me one, just in case things got CRAZY at the market 😉 I saw her mugs dwindling down fast so I bolted over there to pick up a mug fast 😉 It was perfect for my morning coffee!
She had a couple left over after the market. Not many but a couple, that I noticed. So if you want one I would send her a message on Instagram or on Etsy to see if you can buy one 😉
And lastly, but in no way any less important, is the Crimson Clover booth!! I have been creeping her Instagram feed for a while 😂 Just kidding, I've been openly creeping her Instagram feed! She has the most gorgeous photos of her warps and WIP's on her Instagram. If you haven't checked it out, I'll give you some time to peruse her feed now. Don't worry, I'll still be here when your done....
Told you it was a gorgeous Instagram feed 😍 I had plans of buying a poncho or a wrap of some form. I was so completely undecided. So I went over at 4pm when the Shindig was really winding down, and had a few minutes to try them all on! She was kind enough and held my baby while I modelled some ponchos and wraps 😉 I'm sure it was a hardship!
Like, really!! How am I suppose to choose just one?
I ended up choosing this cardigan wrap. And oh my god is it heaven! It's a bamboo and cotton mix and is so comfortable!! I loved it bc it was a bit longer than the other ones and of course I'm always drawn to purple 💜💜 I absolutely LOVE quality made items!
She has some ponchos and cardigan wraps left, but she'll be making more! She keeps her Instagram feed constantly updated with all her new projects. So if you see something you like I would definitely contact her ASAP for a listing to purchase it. She's booked to do a lot of markets this year, so there's no guarantee it'll still be there after one of the markets. She has 7 more warps that she'll be doing before June. Just saying 😉
Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the Fibre Shindig. The Shindig Planning Ninjas did an awesome job planning it 😄 I will totally do it again in the Fall, if they'll still have me 😉 There were so many fabulous fibre artists and I loved talking to all the fibre peeps!!
One of my fav peeps is Morengo Wool!! She rides everywhere on her retro bike and has a custom trailer which she carries her wheel, fibre and yarn around on 😄 It is SUPER sweet!! She only spins with locally sourced wool and sells locally as well! She uses natural organic dyes and it's fabulous seeing how her yarn dyes up 😍 I'm sure if you see something you like, if you contact her on Instagram she'll sell you some 😉 She is a fabulous spinner and I was mesmerized watching her spin at the Fall Fibrearts Fair! Follow her on Instagram, you won't be disappointed!
There were so many other vendors that popped in to talk to me at the show! I think they popped in to check out and coo at my baby 😉 I would have liked to buy more but I'll have to make up for it during the Fall Fibre Shindig!
And I'll leave you now with a photo of my darling baby wearing her super cute fabric shoes! She's been wearing them non stop since Corina gave them to her 😍
Happy Knitting 😄
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